Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas 2012

We had a little snow the day after Christmas--just enough to make it feel like the Christmas Season is here.

It was another wonderful Christmas.  Courtney & Chris were here, and we celebrated both Courtney's and my birthdays.  Our annual Christmas party was fun, and it's always so good to see neighbors and friends.

We open gifts on Christmas Eve (as my family has always done) at Linda's house.  Lauren and her 4 kids makes it very fun--toys for everyone!  Matthew was even home this year, and it was so good to see him. 

On Christmas Day, Bob makes Mother's Norwegian meatballs, and Linda and family come over here for more Christmas cheer.  Lauren's twins are 10 months old, and my house is definitely not babyproofed!  Nyla and Noah are fun, and they are such good babies. 

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