Thursday, November 15, 2012

Almost Thanksgiving

My one and only gardening responsibility at my house is the front flower box.  It was not fabulous this summer--just didn't water it enough or pay enough attention to it.  Busy real estaste season for me.  So, when Fall came, I just added these metal sunflowers (which require no watering at all).  I got these at The Cottage in Leesburg last year, and I still like them. 
Then I asked Bob to hang some wooden pumpkins on my little fence (also from The Cottage).  Cute enough to  keep through Thanksgiving. 

Cleaning out the dryer vent

This is something we haven't done here - ever!  When I had the house power washed this fall, the contractor said that my dryer vent looked full - meaning that white fluff was comiing out the exterior vent. 

So, I went to Angie's List and found a dryer vent cleaning special.  Right A Way Duct Cleaning, 1-888-541-5585 came out today and cleaned my dryer vent.  It has never been cleaned--that would be 25+ years of drying clothes.  They said that I did have quite a lot of lint in the vent.  And, yes, I have always thought that we are good at cleaning out the little lint catcher in the dryer. 

I knew somebody once who lost her house in a fire as a result of the a fire in the dryer vent.  So, think about it - maybe a dryer vent cleaning could go on your "to do list". 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 2012

Another very good movie was Flight with Denzel Washington.  It was a very entertaining plane crash, but the story is really about substance abuse.  A very well told story.  Go see it!

Over the weekend I listed a house for sale which I had sold only two years ago.  I thought it was a terrific house then, and I still think it's a great one.  Lots of interest already--should sell quickly.  The market is moving quickly with multiple offers on many houses. 

6118 Beech Tree in Wilton Woods, $621,000.  It's a beauty!

Fall 2012

I'm behind in my blogging, so here I go. 

Movies:  Loved ARGO, Perks of a Wallflower, The Sessions

Books:  Read John Grisham's new book, The Racketeer.  His books are always a good read and a pleasant diversion.

Also reading Nelson DeMille's new book, The Panther.  Once again, I always enjoy his CIA-type books.  Of course, now that the CIA and its leader is in the news, it makes it even more interesting.

Photos above show my Mother's table which I moved to my remodeled bedroom space.  The drop-leaf table was in Mom's house for a lot of years.  My sister, Nancy, had it in her house in Minnesota and then she didn't need it anymore, so she shipped it out to me.  It's nice to have one piece of furniture from my family's past house.