Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fall 2012

I'm behind in my blogging, so here I go. 

Movies:  Loved ARGO, Perks of a Wallflower, The Sessions

Books:  Read John Grisham's new book, The Racketeer.  His books are always a good read and a pleasant diversion.

Also reading Nelson DeMille's new book, The Panther.  Once again, I always enjoy his CIA-type books.  Of course, now that the CIA and its leader is in the news, it makes it even more interesting.

Photos above show my Mother's table which I moved to my remodeled bedroom space.  The drop-leaf table was in Mom's house for a lot of years.  My sister, Nancy, had it in her house in Minnesota and then she didn't need it anymore, so she shipped it out to me.  It's nice to have one piece of furniture from my family's past house. 

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